In early 1945, a group of Cambridge residents formed a committee to establish a local library. After several meetings and much brainstorming, it was decided to house the library in the north room of the opera house. The American Legion members, who owned the opera house building, generously donated the north room free of charge with the stipulation it would always be a public library.
The library was named Cambridge Memorial Library in honor of the local men and women who served during World War II. Sixty-plus years later, the original placard listing the names of the community members that served is still hanging on the wall.
In 2018, the library moved to its current location in the brand new community building and city center. It has since added beautiful shelving, thousands of new beautiful books, and comfortable seating for the community to enjoy.
It is hoped the Cambridge Memorial Library will be here for many more years to come.
Interested in more local history? Check out the Cambridge Historical Association. They are open the 1st and 4th Thursdays of the month from 10-2pm.