Materials Selection/Collection Developement Policy
The purpose of the Cambridge Memorial Library is to provide all individuals in the community with selected books and other materials to aid in the pursuit of education, information, research, pleasure, and the creative use of leisure time.
Because of budget and space, the Library must have a selection policy with which to meet community interests and needs.
The materials selection/collection development policy is used by the library staff in the selection of materials and also serves to acquaint the general public with the principles of selection. The ultimate responsibility for the selection of library materials rests with the Library Director who follows the guidelines of the policies determined by the Cambridge Memorial Library Board. The main points considered in the selection are:
- Individual merit of each item
- Popular appeal, demand
- Suitability of material
- Existing library holdings
- Budget
Because of space the Library cannot provide all materials that are requested, so inter-library loan is used to obtain from other libraries those materials that we cannot either because of space or budget.
The Library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition or dated information the Director may dispose of them as he or she sees fit.
Memorial gifts, money, and books are accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book.
Specific memorial books can be ordered for the Library on request of a patron if the request meets the criteria established by the Board. Book selection will be made by the Director if no specific book is requested. The Cambridge Memorial Library encourages and appreciated gifts and donations.
An up-to-date collection is maintained through a continual withdrawal and replacement process. The on going process of weeding is the responsibility of the Library Director and is authorized by the Board. Withdrawn materials will be handled in a similar manner and under the same authority as donated materials.
The Cambridge Memorial Library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of approval or disapproval, but solely on the basis of the principles stated in the policy. Responsibility for the reading of the children rests with the parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be changed by the possibility that the materials may come into the possession of children. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no library material will be sequestered except to protect it from damage or theft.
Updated 3/13/2018