Circulation Policies


To borrow library materials, all borrowers must be registered and must have a valid local patron or card. Materials cannot be check out until a Library Card is issued. To receive a card, patrons must fill out an application form. To do this, one must present valid identification. A driver’s license or student I.D. is preferred, but any other official I.D. or piece of mail is acceptable. Any applicant under the age of 13 needs to have a parent or guardian give his or her consent on the application form before the card will be issued to a minor.

Borrowing Terms and Agreements

These are the terms:

  1. The Patron (the borrower) will be responsible for all materials borrowed with the Library
  2. Card issued in the name on the application, including any others listed on the application.
  3. The Patron will be responsible for all items borrowed with the Library Card, with or without the Patron’s consent unless the Patron has previously reported the loss of the Library Card.
  4. The Patron will agree to pay for any loss or injury to materials.
  5. The Patron will agree to pay fines for overdue materials.
  6. The Patron will agree to give prompt notice of changes to address or loss of Library Card.
  7. The Patron will agree to comply with all Library rules and policies both present and future.
  8. The Patron will agree to waive Confidentiality requirements of the Iowa Code, Section 22.7(13)* to the extent necessary for collection of overdue fines, or loss or injury to materials or equipment.

The following italicized statement will be printed on the application form and the Patron must sign and accept it:

I agree to obey all Library rules and regulations, to pay for loss of or injury to materials, to pay fines for overdue materials, and to give immediate notice of change of address or loss of Library card. Confidentiality requirements of the Iowa Code, Section 22.7(13) are hereby waived to the extent necessary for collection of overdue fines, or loss or injury to materials or equipment.

Loan Periods

The loan periods are as follows:

  1. Two weeks for books and DVDs
  2. Reference books have a strict one day checkout policy
  3. Inter-library loans are due the date indicated by the lending library
  4. Books may be renewed once if there is not a waiting list for that particular book

Expired Cards

All Library Cards expire after 3 years. In order to renew a Library Card, patrons must produce identification and must clear all outstanding fines and bills and pay for any damaged materials.


  • DVDs are available for checkout as long as you have a library card.
  • WE NO LONGER HAVE A CHARGE for checking out DVDs.  
  • All DVDs  will have the usual 2 week checkout time.
  • Overdue DVDs will be charged $1.00.  Patrons returning damaged DVDs will be charged for replacement.

Overdue Materials

Overdue materials are charged ten cents per day except Sundays.  The policy for overdue materials is to call to remind patrons to return the items. If they do not have a phone then we will send a notice in the mail.  If there is no response from tehm that a registered letter will be sent with a bill for the cost of the item.


* Iowa Code, Section 22.7 Confidential Records 13. The records of a library which, by themselves or when examined with other public records, would reveal the identity of the library patron checking out or requesting an item or information from the library. The records shall be released to a criminal justice agency only pursuant to an investigation of a particular person or organization suspected of committing a known crime. The records shall be released only upon a judicial determination that a rational connection exists between the requested release of information and a legitimate end and that the need for the information is cogent and compelling.

Updated: 3/12/2018